Practised for over 2,500 years in China where it originated and refined in the Far East, Acupuncture is part of the holistic system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which views health as a constantly changing flow of energy, or Qi (pronounced "chi").
In TCM imbalances in this natural flow of energy are thought to result in disease. Acupuncture aims to restore health by improving the flow of Qi, which flows through the body via 14 primary meridians or channels, and stimulate the body's own healing response and help to restore its natural balance.
Although sometimes described merely as a means of pain relief, traditional acupuncture is actually used to treat people with a wide range of illnesses. Its focus is on improving the overall wellbeing of the patient, rather than the isolated treatment of specific symptoms.
The skill of an acupuncturist lies in their ability to make a traditional diagnosis from what is often a complex pattern of disharmony. The exact pattern and degree of disharmony is unique to each individual and so following diagnosis, the acupuncturist puts together a personalised treatment plan.
The World Health Organization published a review of controlled trials using acupuncture and concluded it was effective for the treatment of 28 conditions and there was evidence to suggest it may be effective for several dozen more, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the American Medical Association (AMA) and various government reports have studied and commented on the efficacy of acupuncture.
Both acupuncture and dry needling use the same Acupuncture needles, thin, stainless-steel, filiform needles are inserted into the skin but there is a unique difference among them.
Dry needling is a modern treatment designed to ease muscular pain using for Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. The needle helps release the knot and relieve any muscle pain, trigger point or spasms. It may improve flexibility and increase range of motion. Usually, the needles will remain in your skin for a short period of time.
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture seeks to remove the blockages or strengthen the energy, aka "Qi" and return your energy flow to a state of balance. In the newer practice of Western Medical Acupuncture, inserting needles releases endorphins and affects the nervous system, which could help various conditions. Both aim to restore health by stimulating and enhancing the body's own healing response, and help to restore its natural balance as well as work to cure the various health conditions.