After the first visit, many patients become concerned that every visit will be of equal length. In a word: No - a typical visit may require 15 minutes for Chiropractic and 30 minutes for Acupuncture, and can be up to three times a week. But again, of course, this depends on your individual needs.
Like a regular workout at the gym, each visit builds on the ones before. If you miss any, it may hold back your recovery. Therefore we advise you to keep to your schedule in order to ensure a speedy recovery and achieve the best results.
We recognize your time is valuable. So we do everything possible to run on time and minimize the impact on your busy life.
If we are not able to make any improvement to your condition then we will not pursue further than six treatments and will refer you to your GP, another Practitioner or Consultant for a second opinion or further examination. This will always be done with your consent and confirmed in writing.